Datawind which has been in news for all the wrong reason has launched a new tablet called the ubislate 7C+Edge at a price range of Rs 5,999.The device is available online at snapdeal. The 7 Inch Tablet sports a 800x480 resolution capacitive display and is powered by a 1Ghz Cortex A8 processor alongside 4GB of RAM. UbiSlate 7C+ Edge comes with 4GB of internal storage, which is expandable by another 32GB via microSD card.
Datawind UbiSlate 7C+ Edge technical specifications
- 7-inch 800x480 capacitive display
- 1Ghz Cortex A8 processor
- 512MB RAM
- 4GB internal storage, expandable by 32GB via microSD card
- Wi-Fi, USB
- VGA front-camera
- Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich
- 3,200mAH battery