Spice Mobility has launched a Dual-Core Phablet at Rs 6,999.The phablet is named Smart Flo Pace 2 Mi-502.The phablet comes with a screen guard along with free leather cover worth Rs 500.The phablet is available for Rs 6,999 at e-commerce site as well as in retail.
The phone runs on Android 4.0(Ice cream sandwich) and is powered by 1 GHz dual-core processor and offers 512 MB RAM.The internal storage of the phone is a let down with only 512 MB but it can be extended up to 32 GB with the help of a micro SD card.The phone has a resolution of 800* 480p. The phone boost a 5 megapixel camera at the rear and 1.3 MP front camera.
On the connectivity side this phone includes 2G,Wi-Fi Bluetooth 4.0 and microUSB. The phone will offer a talk time of 5 hours with the help of 2100 mAh battery.
The phone comes preloaded with popular apps like Nimbuzz,WhatsApp,and Hoopz.
The phone will compete will phablet like Micromax Canvas Viva which is priced at Rs 6.499.